Recently, Radiance Group (“Radiance” or the “Company”) successfully priced its US$250m 8.800% 3.25NCNP2 Reg S senior fixed rate bond offering (the “Transaction”). Final price guidance for the Transaction was 9.500%. AMTD served as a Joint Bookrunner and Joint Lead Manager on the Transaction.


The Transaction received strong interest from investors with the orderbook having filled up quickly with high-quality names – the book reached US$1bn in size before noon that day, and went on to reach US$1.4bn by the time of final pricing, which translates to the Transaction being 5.6 times oversubscribed.

About Radiance Group
Founded in Fujian in 1996, Radiance Group Co., Ltd. is a reputable large property developer with national presence, regional focus and leading positions in select cities, and it focuses on providing quality residential properties to first-time homebuyers and first-time upgraders. With over 20 years’ experience, it has expanded its operations into five regions with strong economic growth potential in China, including the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Economic Rim, Southern China, Southwestern China and Northwestern China. The Group ranked 36th among the “2020 China’s Top 50 Real Estate Developers”. At present, the Group has presence in over 30 cities in China with over 100 property development projects with total GFA attributable of over 20 million sq.m.

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